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Home > Mexican ambassador uses CNG vehicle in India

Mexican ambassador uses CNG vehicle in India


April 7, 2016. Although it is common for ambassadors to move in swanky cars, the vehicle chosen by the Ambassador of Mexico in India has attracted attention in the Asian country.

   Melba Maria Pria Olavarrieta is transported in an auto rickshaw that uses compressed natural gas (CNG) as fuel.

   The Ambassador says she chose this vehicle, which is painted with a design of the Mexican street artist Senkoe, because it is "the most efficient transport" and pollutes less.

   "The attention it has received has made it a fun and creative way to promote Mexico and its art. Some people are concerned about security, but millions of Indians use these vehicles so why should I be different?" Pria Olavarrieta asked in a statement.

   It is noteworthy that the vehicle has a diplomatic plate and its own driver, an employee of the embassy called Rajendra Kumar, who is responsible for carrying the Ambassador to its meetings since last month.


(Quoted from:www.gnvmagazine.com